What is Xeriscaping?
Twenty-five years ago, when I met with potential landscape design clients, I would mention the word “Xeriscape” and people would lookat me like I had two heads – seriously! They would then proceed to nervously tell me they didn’t want a bunch of rock and cacti.

The Best Plants to Add Movement and Life to Your Garden?
I was sitting on my front porch this morning enjoying my coffee and a beautiful sunny day in Colorado. Although it’s mid-December we’re still getting plenty of sunshine and temperate weather. A few sips into my coffee, a gust of wind loosened and gathered a collection of Viburnum leaves and dropped them on my table and into my coffee mug.

5 Basics for the Best Landscape Design
Once you’ve decided to hire a landscape architect, designer, or even attempt doing a design yourself – these tips will make you a more informed design client or first-time designer.

How Late in the Year Can I Plant Trees, Shrubs and Perennials in Colorado?
It never fails, after running a design/build and garden maintenance company for almost 25 years in Denver-metro Colorado how many plants we have left over in our back lot as we wrap up the field season.

Do I Need a Professional Landscape Design?
The landscape is often the first thing the public sees when viewing your home. A landscape can either add to or lessen its value. In fact, every dollar spent on a high-quality professional landscape can yield a 135% return or increase property values as much as 10% - 17%.

Why do leaves change color?
The nights are cooling off, the sun is slower to rise - fall is here. While plants don’t have calendars, they do “know” the equinox has just passed.